Cisco MDS 9124 DS-C9124-K9 24-Active Port 4Gb Multilayer Fabric Switch w/ SFPs


Cisco MDS 9124 DS-C9124-K9 24-Active Port 4Gb Multilayer Fabric Switch w/ SFPs

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Cisco MDS 9124 DS-C9124-K9 24-Active Port 4Gb Multilayer Fabric Switch w/ SFPs

Cisco MDS 9124 DS-C9124-K9 24-Active Port 4Gb Multilayer Fabric Switch w/ SFP Transceivers

Console Output:

switch# sh inv

NAME: "Chassis", DESCR: "MDS 9100 chassis"

PID: DS-C9124-K9 , VID: V04 , SN: FOX1321GBX4

NAME: "Slot 1", DESCR: "1/2/4 Gbps FC/Supervisor-2"

PID: DS-C9124-K9-SUP , VID: V04 , SN: JAF1323AKJE

NAME: "Slot 2", DESCR: "MDS 9100 Power Supply"

PID: DS-C24-300AC , VID: V00

, SN: PAC123631HL

NAME: "Slot 3", DESCR: "MDS 9100 Power Supply"

PID: DS-C24-300AC , VID: V00

, SN: PAC131730BM

NAME: "Slot 3", DESCR: "MDS 9100 Fan Module"

PID: , VID: V00

, SN:

NAME: "Slot 4", DESCR: "MDS 9100 Fan Module"

PID: , VID: V00

, SN:

NAME: "Slot 5", DESCR: "MDS 9100 Fan Module"

PID: , VID: V00

, SN:

NAME: "Slot 6", DESCR: "MDS 9100 Fan Module"

PID: , VID: V00

, SN:

NAME: "Slot 7", DESCR: "MDS 9100 Fan Module"

PID: , VID: V00

, SN:

switch# sh env



Clock Model Hw Status


A Clock Module -- not present/------

B Clock Module -- not present/------



Fan Model Hw Status


Chassis -- ok

Chassis -- ok

Chassis -- ok

PS-1 -- -- ok

PS-2 -- -- ok



Module Sensor MajorThresh MinorThres CurTemp Status

(Celsius) (Celsius) (Celsius)


1 Outlet 75 60 27 ok

1 Outlet 75 60 31 ok

1 Intake 65 50 25 ok

Power Supply:


PS Model Power Power Status

(Watts) (Amp @42V)


1 DS-C24-300AC 299.88 7.14 ok

2 DS-C24-300AC 299.88 7.14 ok

Mod Model Power Power Power Power Status

Requested Requested Allocated Allocated

(Watts) (Amp @42V) (Watts) (Amp @42V)

--- ------------------- ------- ---------- --------- ---------- ----------

1 DS-C9124-K9-SUP 209.16 4.98 209.16 4.98 powered-up

Power Usage Summary:


Power Supply redundancy mode: redundant

Total Power Capacity 299.88 W

Power reserved for Supervisor(s)[-] 209.16 W

Power reserved for Fan Module(s)[-] 42.00 W


Total Power Available 48.72 W


switch# sh start

No startup configuration

switch# sh ver

Cisco Storage Area Networking Operating System (SAN-OS) Software

TAC support:

Copyright (c) 2002-2009, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.

The copyrights to certain works contained herein are owned by

other third parties and are used and distributed under license.

Some parts of this software may be covered under the GNU Public

License or the GNU Lesser General Public License. A copy of

each such license is available at and


BIOS: version 1.0.16

kickstart: version 3.3(4a)

system: version 3.3(4a)

BIOS compile time: 10/23/08

kickstart image file is: bootflash:/m9100-s2ek9-kickstart-mz.3.3.4a.bin

kickstart compile time: 10/13/2009 12:00:00 [10/29/2009 13:38:12]

system image file is: bootflash:/m9100-s2ek9-mz.3.3.4a.bin

system compile time: 10/13/2009 12:00:00 [10/29/2009 13:52:44]


cisco MDS 9124 ("1/2/4 Gbps FC/Supervisor-2")

Motorola, ppc8541 (e500) with 514956 kB of memory.

Processor Board ID JAF1323AKJE

bootflash: 250368 kB kernel uptime is 0 days 0 hour 42 minute(s) 58 second(s)

Last reset

Reason: Unknown

System version: 3.3(4a)


switch# show license


SERVER this_host ANY

VENDOR cisco

INCREMENT PORT_ACTIVATION_PKG cisco 1.0 permanent 8 \





2901J1201BD" SIGN=


SERVER this_host ANY

VENDOR cisco

INCREMENT PORT_ACTIVATION_PKG cisco 1.0 permanent 8 \





2901J15CB53" SIGN=

Includes 24x 4Gb FC Transceivers, as shown.

Tested, guaranteed 100% working.
Switch has been reset to Factory Default settings.

No cables or other accessories are included except what is pictured. Comes with rack mounting ears.

30-Day Warranty!